Is it Possible to Make a Full-Time Income with an Online Business?

Last month my sisters and I were chatting poolside about our jobs. My younger sister turned and directly asked me "Do you ACTUALLY make a livable wage doing this?". It made me laugh a little because I assumed she knew this was beyond some little hobby but clearly she had doubts. And if my own sister has this question, then I'm guessing many of YOU might be wondering this too! Well let's chat all about it. 

So, it is really possible to make a full-time income with an online business?

I couldn’t say “yes!” fast enough. If you haven't been along this journey with me for long, you may not know my back story. I was stuck in a cubicle with big dreams not long ago. 

How My Journey to Making a Full-Time Income with an Online Business Started:

In 2016 I started making handmade signs and opened an Etsy shop. I worked while my kids were asleep and on the weekends hustling to make a few dozen signs a week.

It was creative and rewarding but definitely didn’t make me enough money to leave my co...

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Making a Mermaid Theme SVG - plus a ton of free files.

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PIN for Later Tools for Making SVGs or FREE SVGs


Have you ever wondered what it take to make SVGs?
(If not, you can skip to the bottom to find the free files!)

I'm going to break down all the tools I use in my business for SVG design. The great things about designing SVGs is it doesn't take a lot of material goods, like a handmade shop may require. And there's no shipping supplies or postage. But there are some tech tools that are a must! 

And you don't have to hand letter to design and sell SVGs, but if you do there are a few extra tools you'll need. Let's cover those first. 

1. iPad & Apple Pencil (for lettering)

I bought my iPad back in 2017 after trying one out at a craft retreat. I ABSOLUTELY loved making the transition from paper and pen to iPad. I opted for a larger screen size but lower memory size, and it's worked out great! The specs on my iPad Pro are 12.9 inch with 128 GB storage. Four years into lettering over 700 file...

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Craft Business: How It Started vs How It's Going

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Late nights after a 9-5. In the garage "workshop". Buried deep in saw dust and packaging supplies. That's where this business started. 

Were you around for my sign making days? That was the first stepping stone in my small business. Which then led to

But my roots were probably a lot like yours, not exactly sure what I was doing, just figuring out as I go. And if I'm honest, the words I painted on signs were the words I needed to hear myself as I battled with deep self doubt and finding myself again after trying to fit in the societal mold (which I was NOT built for). 

On our creative journeys we have phases, or seasons, each serving a purpose and teaching us lessons we need to know. While I love and apprecia...

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