Expressions Vinyl Mystery Box Reveal

DISCLAIMER: Some of the links below may be affiliate links. This means, at zero cost to you, I may earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase. I only recommend products I’ve personally used and love and appreciate your support of my small business. 

Eek! I have been working on the Expressions Vinyl Mystery Box for February 2023 and today's the day I can finally tell you all about it! Are you wondering what's inside the Expressions Vinyl Mystery Box? I have all the details below.

As a crafter, I know using quality vinyl makes the crafting experience more fun and also creates better products. I love Expressions Vinyl and that they sell individual sheets of vinyl in addition to rolls - sometimes you just little bit of a color, sometimes you need a lot!

I was so excited to get to design a couple of happy patterns that they produced in adhesive and HTV, plus pick out coordinating colors for this month's Mystery Box. Plus I got to suggest the blan...

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10 Ways to Use Lettered by Stephanie Cut Files For Your Online Business

DISCLAIMER: Some of the links below may be affiliate links. This means, at zero cost to you, I may earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase. I only recommend products I’ve personally used and love and appreciate your support of my small business. 

The top question I get about the SVG Club cut files: Do they include a license for commercial use? And that answer is YES! You can use the SVG Club files to create and sell physical products for your business & hobby projects. In fact, I LOVE seeing how my fellow creatives use my hand lettered designs in their own businesses online. Knowing my products are helping other women run small businesses AND we're spreading positive messages at the same time...someone pinch me!

Have you seen the most recent club files? Watch this reel to see what club members got for September 2022!

Here are 10 ways to use the Lettered by Stephanie SVG Club or Etsy cut files in your online business. 



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Oh baby! Free files for a baby shower

There's  not much that is quite as exciting as friends announcing they are having a baby. I had 3 of my own, they were each such unique gifts, and I loved [almost] every moment of being pregnant. 

What better way to celebrate a friend or family member having a new bundle of joy than getting crafty with some DIY projects? 

Check out all the links below for free files my friends and I have put together! And if you want my free file (Some Things Are Worth The Wait), get access to my free SVG library here: 
Lettered By Stephanie FREE LIBRARY


Baby Feet SVG from Persia Lou
Baby Shower Balloon Card from Crafting Overload
Mama Said from Studio Xtine
Oh Boy! from Polka Dotted Blue Jay
Baby Bodysuit Banner from Gina C. Creates
Milestone Markers from Poofy Cheeks
Little Nugget Onesie from Artsy-Fartsy Mama
Milk Snuggle Nap Repeat from Crafty Life Mom
Welcome Baby Stork from Liz on Call
I'm An Answered Prayer from My Designs in the Chaos
Baby Balloon Card from The Bearded Housewife
You Are ...

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Graduation season is upon us!

cricut diy free svg Apr 15, 2022

Do you have a graduate getting ready to celebrate the big milestone? Whether it's Elementary School, Middle School, High School or College graduation, the best way to prep for the festivities is with FREE SVGs! 

Here are some of my favorite ideas from some of my favorite makers! And bonus, they're giving away these files for free. :)


1. Money Card

What a fun way to gift what everyone really wants anyway. CASH. You can get this file from Gina over at Gina Creates


2. You Did It, Cake Topper.

What's a party without some cake! And you don't want just any store decorated cake, you've got to make it fun and unique. This one could be customized with your graduate's school colors! Snag this file from Liz on Call. 


3. Cupcake Toppers. 

If you don't have cake, then you must be having cupcakes! How cute is the cap sitting on the 2?! Get this SVG from Spot of Tea Designs.


4. And So The Adventure Begins (handlettered by me!)

Want a fun shirt or sign at your graduation e...

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Valentine's day isn't just for couples, we've got files for everyone!

cricut free svg Jan 14, 2022

 Valentine's day has a reputation of being a 'hallmark holiday' for couples. To be honest, I was never a big fan of Valentine's day when it felt like a forced day to give chocolates, cards and roses to a significant other. I've always been a rebel when it comes to social norms and I'd rather give and receive 'just because' rather than because society tells us to...I'll get off my soap box now. 

Over the last few years, being a single person and a mom, I actually like Valentine's day WAY MORE now. Funny how life works. We use it as a day to celebrate everyone we love, and no matter your stance on the holiday, my friends and I gathered up a bunch of new free cut files for you!

 To get my FREE "Yep! Still Single" SVG, access my entire library of free files here!

Curvy Sweet Heart by Gina C. Creates

Candy Heart Luminaries by Oh Yay Studio

Always and Forever by Studio Xtine

Valentine Doodle Heart by Persia Lou

Kitten and Puppy Peekaboo Cupcake Toppers by Craftara Creates

My He...

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Practical Tips for Starting a Craft Business

Hey do you love a crafting? 
The process of coming up with an idea, working with your hands and seeing it all come to life! It’s so much fun, isn’t it? 
Well…Have you ever thought about turning your hobby into a serious money making machine? You know the quote…."do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life". Well, if you’re on the fence and doubt keeps creeping up I’m here today to encourage you! 
And not the typical 'rah-rah' - "you can do it" kind of encouragement I want to give you practical advice and tips to make your dream of crafting for a living into reality. 

The first step is believing in yourself.

This is important step not to skip because our mind is our greatest asset (or weakness). It has the ability to talk us up, or talk us down. If you don’t have your mind on your side in taking a risk and dreaming big, then you’re going to be fighting against yourself, and never even have a real shot at this.
So how do we get our mind right?
  • Surrou
  • ...
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6 DIY Gifts for the Bride, Plus Free SVGs to Make Them

There may have been some restrictions last year with weddings but now, nuptials can go full swing again. And often with weddings come bridal showers, couple showers and bachelorette parties. So of course, gifts are needed! 

Most couples are registered for specific gifts at major retailers but sometimes you'd like to make something more personal and special for the occasion. 

I've put together 6 DIY bridal gift ideas you can whip up with your Cricut or Silhouette machine, plus you can get all the SVGs for FREE to make these!

1. Custom 'bride' jacket or robe. 

A custom 'bride' denim jacket would be the perfect attire for a fun bachelorette night out! Or a 'bride' robe for a spa day or wedding day as she gets ready. You could customize these gifts to match the wedding colors and I know any bride would be over-the-moon to receive this.

Supplies needed: Heat Transfer Vinyl, a Heat Press or Iron, Jacket or Robe, and the FREE cut file you can get at Crafting Overload.

2. An Ornament ...

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