5 Tips for Overcoming Self Doubt That Keeps You Stuck

craft business Jul 12, 2021

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Ugh. That voice in your head that creeps in and says 

“You’re never gonna be as good as her, it’s silly to even try.” 

“Why would people buy that from you, there's other people who are better.” or 

“Don’t post that, people will laugh [or think it’s stupid or find you weird]. 

 It’s the voice that reminds us of all the other times we’ve messed up or failed. It keeps us grounded. It keeps in perspective what we can ACTUALLY do. Right? 


That voice is a liar, filtered through a lens that’s looking to protect your ego from pain or the possibility of failure. Keeping you safe from something you perceive as scary, but it isn’t rational. That voice keeps you stuck. It keeps you from reaching your full potential. 

Do you know that nearly every person in business that you admire had to work through that ‘mental junk’ as well. They had to...

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Craft Business: How It Started vs How It's Going

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Late nights after a 9-5. In the garage "workshop". Buried deep in saw dust and packaging supplies. That's where this business started. 

Were you around for my sign making days? That was the first stepping stone in my small business. Which then led to

But my roots were probably a lot like yours, not exactly sure what I was doing, just figuring out as I go. And if I'm honest, the words I painted on signs were the words I needed to hear myself as I battled with deep self doubt and finding myself again after trying to fit in the societal mold (which I was NOT built for). 

On our creative journeys we have phases, or seasons, each serving a purpose and teaching us lessons we need to know. While I love and appreciate...

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